Electronic Library of Scientific Literature - © Academic Electronic Press


Volume XLIX, 2002 / No 1



Chronicle 61

Review 69

From a scholarly life 86


Functionality, non-functionality and experienceness (on the materials of fairy-tale fiction)

Stanislav Rakús, Filozofická fakulta PU, Prešov

The author goes into the questions of functionality, non-functionality and “experienceness” in communicational situation in which a literary work is looked upon as a configuration of “text” and “non-text” space. “Experienceness” is a reactive part of communicational functioning of the work. Contrary to the literature of popular and ideological character, it is stimulated by such form of effectivenes that is covered by authenticity in mimetic and deforming type of fiction. The paper explores the antinomy of functionality and non-functionality in relation to an experience in children’s, adult and partly also teenager literature. On particular fairy-tales, the author follows the role of artistic orientation of the theme towards subject matter, of substitution processes and of text explication of functionality as well as its counterpart in comparison with non-fairy-tale literature.

Nite (Interpretation of the first part of collection Dotyky by Miroslav Válek)

Ján Zambor, Filozofická fakulta UK, Bratislava

The author is analyzing poems from the first part of Miroslav Válek’s collection Dotyky (Contacts, 1959), titled as Nite (Threads). The main interpreting problems of Válek’s poetry are in poet’s play with word meanings. In the Nite subcollection, poems deal with tensive problems of partner relation with a dimension of irrationality. J. Zambor attempts a relative complexity of interpretation – he sees to the important structural elements of the poem (especially theme, figures, rhythm, rhyme and euphony); through interrelation is their meaning analyzed, focusing on decryption of intertext relations. The subcollection is seen as a development of symbolistic poem model with its motive-figurative and phonic instruments, an actualization of the poetic and constructivist poem model, as well as an attempt to depathetize and depoetize, characterized by motive and expressive civilness, concreteness, realness, colloquialness and prosaic tendency, related to poet’s inclination towards common-day poetry. Válek’s attempt to recreate poems is connected with composition discontinuity and juxtaposition of thematically various segments, resulting in montage.

Rovina (Interpretation of the second part of collection Dotyky by Miroslav Válek)

Valér Mikula, Filozofická fakulta UK, Bratislava

The study offers an interpretation of the second part of Miroslav Válek ´s collection Dotyky (Contacts, 1959). While the first part is a respond (sometimes ironical) to the poetics and to the themes of symbolism, the second one The Plain brings a significantly different poetics, themes and also the author’s attitudes. This part contains three extent poems of a loose poetic structure, written in verse libre; the author uses neo-avant-gard techniques of montage, sharp iuxtapositions, motivated by associative leaps. He follows avant-gard poetics from the first half of the 20th century (Apollinaire, Czech poetism, partly construtivism, surrealism). An ideological message of those poems differs each other parts of the collection; Rovina (The Plain) is conform to the official contemporary ideology; to voluntarist overcoming of individual problems and tending to so called positive collective values. On contrary to that the first part Nite (Threads) shows melancholic-decadent spirits provoked by individual love problems. In ideological-thematic plan Rovina (The Plain) returns to doctrine of schematicity (socialist realism) in spite of the fact that it brings post-avant-gard techniques which had not been permissible according to the doctrine. Válek reinstalled schematicity of higher poetic level and he made its lifelike nature longer in Slovak poetry.

Town as a medium of a model of existence of a man (To the topos of a town in the novel Rozum of Rudolf Sloboda)

Eva Jenčíková, Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, Bratislava

The author of the study Town as a medium of the model of existence of a man deals with the topos of the town, becoming a part of the literature mainly in the form of various symbols and allegories. The topos of the town as an elementary structural pattern draws attention to new, often changing correlations of thematological plan and a figurative, metaphorical form. It itself implies spacial-temporal, evaluating and inter-textual moment. Only in the literature between the wars and after 1945 only in 60th the topos of the town and urban themes were being more radically exceeding (Blažková, Jaroš, Sloboda, Johanides, Hykish, later Ballek, Vilikovský, Vášová, Mitana, Puškáš, Grendel and others).

There is a permanent interaction between the town and its spacial structure and influencing a man by the space. It is reflected in an artistic picture of a life space and deeper levels of consciousness of epic characters. Through the topos of the town E. Jenčíková interprets a protagonist of Sloboda´s novel Rozum (1982). He moves and ”lives” in two life spaces (a city as a centre and a provincial town as a periphery). The author’s analysis of the text shows the fact that Sloboda intentionally modelled the centre and the periphery, the city and the countryside in a way ”to be merged” and ”re-grouped”. Cancelling of this binary opposition became a part of the well-built strategy of the author. Focusing on negative connotations of the topos of the city and the countryside, their functional inserting in a composition into the deeper sujet-motivic textual structures helped the author to create metaphorical picture of ”unhealthy” totalitarian society and at the same time a model existence of a person in the state of total listlessness.