Electronic Library of Scientific Literature - © Academic Electronic Press


Volume L. 2003 / No 5




Sources and Documents


Chronicle 408

Reviews 412

Jesenský’s collection od poems Po búrkach (After storms)

Michal G á f r i k, Bratislava

After an active participating of Jesenský in Czecho-Slovak resistance in abroad and after he had come back to Slovakia he feel into stagnation in his poetic work, lasting several yers. Only after a decade Jesenský became more vivid. The result of his awakening was his new collection of poems Po búrkach (After storms, 1932). Firstly he continues in his previous poetic style (only the motives of getting old are more and more frequent). Firstly he continues in his previous poetic style (only the motives of getting old are more and more frequent). Soon he changes the poetic expression (mainly after he met the poetry of Jesenin). He prefers free number of feet in a verse and exuberance of picture and he often plays with them. Dynamic symbolic character becomes in many times a central goal of a poem.

The epic of Eliáš Berger About the Holy Cross and Hungarian history

László S z o r é n y i, Literárnovedný ústav Maďarskej akadémie vied, Budapešť

Elias (Illés) BERGER (1562 – 1645) fut une personnalités les plus interéssantes de la littérature latine en Hongrie. Sa vie et son s’oeuvre se rattachent enti?crement au territoire de la Slovaquie actuelle. A partir du r?gne de l’empereur Rodolphe, il porta, sous quatre empereurs Habsbourg de suite, le titre d’historien royal et de poete laureat de Hongrie. Sa grande histoire de Hongrie qui est une continuation de l’oeuvre de Miklós Istvánffy, fut pendant longtemps introuvable et reste inédit jusqu ? nos jours. D’entre ses ouvrages publiés (qui sont pour la plupart des oeuvres pétiquen) la présente étude traite le premier dont le titre abrégé est Rapsodiae de Cruce insigniis Regni Hungarici sanctissimis... (Olomouc, 1600), et qui a comme sujet l’histoire légendaire de la croix du Christ que Berger relie ? la double coroix figurant dans les armoires hongroises et dans les armoires slovaques d’aujourd’hui. La signification symbolique de ce rapport c’est que ce furent les rois hongrois de la maison des Árpád et de leurs successeurs auxquels Dieu confia la tâche de protéger la Sainte Croix contre les pa?ens et contre Satan et, par cela, de rétablir l’age d’or paradisiaque sur terre. Comme Berger écrivit cette poésie durant la longue guerre que l’empereur Rodolphe mena contre les Turcs, son but ne fut autre que de souligner que la maison des Habsbourg hérita de sa tâche historique des anciens rois de Hongrie.

Literary like, in the light of aesthetically – creative and in the ministry of confessionaly – religious

Milan J u r č o, Fakulta humanitných vied UMB, Banská Bystrica

The literary texts of two Slovak women writers at the turn of 19th and 20th century, the prose work. In the World Without God by Kristina Royova and the novella The Lamb of God by Ludmila Podjavorinska, both offer in an extraordinary way a suitable opportunity for the hidden tension between the aesthetic-creative and the confessional-religious attitude to the indentical subject-matter.

The writings of the afore-mentioned authors, both of them hailing from the same region of the Podjavorina, remain until now an open problem from the literary-historical as well as literary-theoretical point of view. Some scholars consider them to be the representatives of postromanticism the others think they represent the realism with a touch of Modernism. More important than the solution of this particular academic problem appears the necessity of the analysis an interpretation of their works from the point of view of  the authorial intention and functional value of the texts. While from the literary-historical and stylistic aspect their writings bear fair resemblance, from the point of view of the authorial intentionality and functional targeting to the reader’s responsiveness, they are diametrically diverse.

The literary expression of Kristina Royova is intentionally utilitarian, forming forms of genre according to the requirements a sheer instrument for the fulfilment of a higher spiritual mission. Ludmila Podjavorinska invented the truth of art in its ability to surpass the naturalistic reflection of life with the intention to exceed it with significant aesthetic-creative and psychologizing approaches.

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