Electronic Library of Scientific Literature


Volume 51 / No. 4 / 1996


The Apodictical Logic of the Fundamental Ontological Concepts ‚Being‘ and ‚Not Being‘

VLADIMIR SKALSKY, Katedra humanitnych vied MtF STU, Trnava

The radical critical analysis of the fundamental ontological concepts (categories) (being and not being) gives the apodictical (categorical) basis for the exact and comprehensive philosophical and sciencific analysis of reality.
FILOZOFIA 51, 1996, No 4, p. 219


The Market Order in the Light of Morals

DAGMAR SMREKOVA, Filozoficky ustav SAV, Bratislava

The author focuses on two questions: Is there anything like the market order, or the market turns a territory, dominated by the enterpreneurs-predators enforcing their own rules?; Given the existence of market order, what role plays the morality in it?
In the first part of the paper the nature of market order is analyzed. Two opposing market conceptions are presented: that of market as a consciously organized activity, planned and controlled centrally, resp. that of market as an unconsciously coordina-ted activity, described by Hayek as the „spontaneous order“. The author distinguishes between the sphere of the legal rules and that of normative regulation of the beha-viour by menas of morals.
In the second part of the paper she is concerned with the question: What is the relevance of moral norms in the market order given the fact, that the moral choice requires additional costs? For consequently, in morally damaged community those, who act morally, are almost always disadvanteged.
FILOZOFIA 51, 1996, No 4, p. 228