Electronic Library of Scientific Literature
Volume 52 / No. 1 / 2000
Ján Paulov
Ján Paulov: Towards development of quantitative and theoretical geography. Geografický časopis, 52, 2000, 1, 59 refs.
This paper is aimed at providing basic idea of development of quantitative and theoretical geography since fifties up to present times. The development is described separately in both quantitative and theoretical geography though both disciplines are closely connected.
Key words: quantitative geography, theoretical geography, development of geographical thought
Anton Bezák
A. Bezák: Interregional migration in Slovakia: some tests of spatial interaction models. Geografický časopis, 52, 2000, 1, 3 figs., 5 tabs., 29 refs.
In this paper observed migration flows between administrative districts in Slovakia during the 1984-1995 period are used to test a set of 13 alternative spatial interactions models. The results obtained indicate that the doubly constrained spatial interaction models with the power or Tanner distance functions provide the best reproduction of observed flows, but the overall performance level of all the models tested is not satisfactory. In order to improve the overall model fit, the doubly constrained spatial interaction model with zone-specific distance decay parameters is examined in some detail. Both origin- and destination-specific parameter versions of the model are calibrated and the spatial variation in the propensity to migrate over distance is analysed. It is shown that the variation is very little in space and stable in time.
Key words: spatial interaction models, calibrating and testing, performance level, interregional migration flows, propensity to migrate over distance, Slovakia
Martin Hampl
M. Hampl: Human geography: searching for the subject of study. Geografický časopis, 52, 1, 2000, 9 refs.
In the course of recent five decades three quite different conceptions of human geography consecutively replaced each other: idiographic conception stressingregional synthesis was replaced by spatial science of nomothetic type which in turn was replaced by "purely social" critical science. It seems that heterogeneity of the social-geographic reality and the corresponding determining factors are exceptional to the such an extent that an adequate approach to their study has not been yet found. Complexity of reality is also fostered by unusual type of regularity or repeatability of geographic phenomena: settlements, regions, etc. are different in size but the form of their differentiation is regular, it can be defined as hierarchic in terms of asymmetric relation between frequency and size of geographic phenomena (many minimums - few maximums).
Key words: subject of human geography, repeatability of geographic differentiation, hierarchic principles.
Jozef Mládek
J. Mládek: Recent research trends in demogeography. Geografický časopis, 52, 1, 2000, 24 refs.
In the development of population new characteristic features appear which have to be included into the research and scientific programs. The research subject is up-dated also due to the development of the proper science - demogeography, its methods and techniques. The contribution outlines the trend of demogeographic research in the field of natural increase, migration of population, socio-pathological phenomena, population theories, and research methods and techniques.
Key words: reproduction of population, demographic transition, demographic ageing, natural increase, method and techniques of research
Pavol Korec, Eva Smatanová
P. Korec, E. Smatanová: Development of distribution of the flat pool in the territory of Bratislava, the laws and specific features of the process. Geografický časopis, 52, 1, 2000, 2 figs., 3 tabs., 25 refs.
The paper evaluates spatial development of construction of residential areas in Bratislava after 1946. Important part of the study is exposition of main factors, which influenced spatial development. The period after 1946 is divided into three stages from the viewpoint of the evaluated phenomenon. The first is represented by the years 1946-1968, the second covers the years 1969-1989 and the third is the development after 1989. These three stages difer from each other by number of constructed flats and the basic principles of spatial distribution of the residential areas. The study points at the specific features of spatial development of flat construction in Bratislava.
Key words: housing estates, residential areas, flat construction, flat pool, intensification, functional-spatial structure.