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Volume 55 / No. 3 / 2003

Károly Kocsis*


K. Kocsis: Contributions to the geographical study of minority self-govern-ment in Hungary. Geografický časopis, 55, 2003, 3, 4 figs., 3 tabs., 6 refs.
Despite the ethnic cleansings, deportations, forced assimilation, homogenization and partly due to the economically motivated migrations there is no country in Europe which could be called as ethnic homogeneous. This is particularly true in the case of the small ”nation-states” of the Carpatho-Balkanic region, which also includes Hungary. The Hungarian state taught by the nationalistic mistakes of her history, on the basis of the subsidiarity made possible the formation of the self-government ”councils” of the minorities on the local and national level (Act Nr. LXXVII., 1993). By the beginning of 1998 736, by the beginning of 2003 1843 minority local self-government councils (999 Gipsy-Roma, 340 German, 114 Slovak, 107 Croatian, 44 Rumanian, 43 Serbian, etc.) were formed beside the 3167 local (settlement) self-government councils of Hungary. This paper outlines the Hungarian form of minority protection, revealing in the public administration, the formation, functioning, problems of the minority self-government councils and generally the political activity of the minorities in the frame work of the public administration.
Key words:
national and ethnic minorities, minority self-governments, Hungary

Eva Kiss*

Major changes in Hungarian industry during the period of transition

E. Kiss: Major changes in Hungarian industry during the period of transition. Geografický časopis, 55, 2003, 3, 5 figs., 3 tabs., 15 refs.
The change in the social system in 1989 was an important landmark in the history of Hungarian industry. Since then radical changes have taken place in industry. The main purpose of the present study is to demonstrate them with particular regard to their spatial consequences and to the role of industrial estates. During the last decade relevant organizational, structural, proprietal and other alterations have occurred in Hungarian industry, which have considerably affected its spatial pattern both on the national and local levels. Industrial estates have appeared in Hungary in the second half of the 1990s and it seems that they play a more and more important role in Hungarian industry and in shaping industrial space.
Key words:
industrial restructuring, industrial estates, Hungary

Tomás Egedy*

Aktuelle sozialstrukturelle Veränderungen in den ungarischen Großwohnsiedlungen

T. Egedy: Present socio-structural changes in Hungarian housing estates. Geografický časopis, 55, 2003, 3, 7 figs., 1 tab., 16 refs.
High-rise housing estates could be characterised already in the socialist period by specific social features and structure. The mixed social structure, the ”estate society” and ”estate life” appeared namely in Hungary as brand new phenomena. The change of the socio-economic regime was a turning point in the development of housing estates. A devaluation of their prestige has been indicated by the accelerated housing mobility, a rapid fluctuation of the resident population in these quarters and a general intention to move out. After the change of power a profound transformation of the social environment has taken place and the previous balance of the social pattern has been broken. A stabilisation of the population is under way turning these estates into independent residence classed. This paper presents the effects of the privatisation and the housing market affecting the housing estates, together with the main features and tendencies of the filtering down process in the Hungarian housing estates.
Key words:
socio-structural change, housing estates, resident population, Hungary

Ján Urbánek*


 J. Urbánek: Geomorphological map as a system. Geografický časopis, 55, 2003, 3, 5 figs., 14 refs.
The study describes production of the geomorphological map based on the hypothesis that the set of mapped forms is a system (set of forms in interaction). Syntactic aspect of this process, structure and content of the legend are dealt with. It also contains the geomorphological map of a particular territory compiled pursuing the principle of system.
Key words:
geomorphological map, geomorphological analysis, system geomorphological catena, relief type

Ivan Ružek, Dušan Senko*


I. Ružek, D. Senko: Contribution to the knowledge of the Ronava water reservoir landscape with emphasis on avifauna. Geografický časopis, 55, 2003, 3, 3 figs., 6 tabs., 22 refs.
The aim of the paper is to explain and assess the species diversity of the water, next to water living, and terrestrial avifauna as observed at the Ronava water reservoir and its environs. The Ronava water reservoir is situated in the south-eastern part of the Trnava loess plateau. The paper is based on the empirical research in the above-mentioned area in July 2001 - June 2002. The author is trying to evaluate the Ronava water reservoir as a potential refuge for water and next to water living fowl and to compare it to the Trnava ponds while exposing the problems, solution of which may contribute to the optimum nesting conditions.
Key words: Ronava water reservoir, Trnava loess plateau, avifauna, mapping, bird migration, phytocenosis

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