

Published quarterly by:
Institute of Molecular Physiology and Genetics
Slovak Academy of Sciences

Indexed in:
CC/Life Sciences
Science Citation Index (Impact Factor = 0.932)

Coordinating Editor:
B. Uhrik

Managing Editor:
A. Breier

Secretary of Editorial Office:
A. Tomova, E. Krejciova

Instructions for Authors can be found here.

Adresses, orders and subscriptions are here.

General Physiology and Biophysics appears quarterly and is devoted to the publication of original research papers concerned with general physiology, biophysics and biochemistry at the cellular and molecular level. The coverage of the journal includes:

* membrane physiology and biophysics (ion channels, receptors, transporters, protein-lipid interactions, surface phenomena, model membranes),
* intercellular and intracellular signalling (neurotransmission, endocrine regulations, messengers, secretory mechanisms, regulatory proteins, calcium signalling pathways, nitric oxide),
* excitability and contractility (neurophysiology, smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle physiology, excitation-contraction coupling, cellular motility),
* biophysical analysis of cellular function (bioenergetics, volume regulation, thermodynamics, mathematical models),
* metabolic regulations (enzymology, ATPases, plant and microbial metabolism),
* cellular aspects of pharmacology, toxicology and pathology (receptor-drug interaction, the action of drugs and toxins on signalling and regulatory functions, free radicals, lipid peroxidation, ischemic preconditioning, calcium paradox),
* accounts of advances in relevant techniques and methodology.