Electronic Library of Scientific Literature



Vol. VII / No 3 / 1998

Daniela Nováčková: Contemporary Trends in Anti-dumping Law

A significant emphasis is put upon the adaption of the Central and East European countries to the commercial activities of the EU. These activities are governed by an integrated source of primary and secondary trade law with anti-dumping law as its component as a response to the application of dumping activities occuring in the trade between the EU and Third World countries.
The principle of free movement of goods has considerably contributed to the emergence and need of this branch of law, whose basic terms and history have been briefly described in this article. Recognising the universal importance of anti-dumping activities and procedures as well as co-operation between the most significant trade and economic organisations of the world, the EEC, GATT and later WTO. Some of the most important tools as various tariffs, treaties, other legal rules and procedures of the international community have been mentioned and their role has been discussed. A similar attention has been paid to the bodies.
The practical aspects of the application of anti-dumping legislation, subsequently lead proceedings and measures taken with regard to this phenomenon have shown its complexity and the importance of coping with it.
Finally the authoress has made a brief introduction into the manner how this question is solved in the legislation of the Slovak Republic.

pp. 5-32

Júda, V.: Ecopolicy. "Green" Parties and Interests Groups as Subjects of the Political Systems of some European Countries and the USA

In the 20th century, the environmental protection belongs to the most topical issues. The author has passed in the presented paper from the basic definitions (ecopolicy, political party, etc.) to the description of ideological directions connected with the protection of the environmental. The analysis of the Greens in Germany and its comparison with the Greens' Party in Slovakia has shown the positions of these subjects within the political systems of their countries. The author has mentioned a specific position of environmentalists' interest groups in the USA. The functioning of Greenpeace in the Czech Republic is also dealt with in the presented article. Likewise, within the frame of ecological approach in the field of national legislation, the author has made the analysis of those parts of the constitutions of both the Slovak Republic and the Kingdom of Spain which deal with the protection of the environment.

pp. 33-49

Akmal Sayidov, Yakov Umansky: Faktor mnohonárodnosti v Uzbekistane ako bezpečnostná výzva, ľudské práva a vývojový potenciál

Štátoprávne a spoločenské zmeny v Strednej Ázii spôsobili rad nových funkcionálnych problémov. Ústavná zodpovednosť štátotvorného národa v mnohonárodnostnom štáte vyvoláva potrebu rovnovážnej národnostnej politiky. Na druhej strane sa národnostné menšiny musia prispôsobiť existencii v nových štátoch s dominujúcim štátotvorným národom. Otáznym ostáva národný i nadnárodný rámec pre otázky menšín. Hlavnými partnermi v medzietnickom dialógu sú Uzbeci (štátotvorný národ, 76%) a Rusi (mnohovrstvové etnolingvistické spoločenstvo, 5,7%). Ústava z roku 1992 zabezpečuje úctu k jazykom, zvykom a tradíciám národov a národností krajiny a vytvára podmienky pre ich ďalší rozvoj. Novelizovaný Zákon o štátnom jazyku určuje uzbecký jazyk ako štátny a povoľuje paralelné užívanie iných jazykov. Do roku 2005 má byť akákoľvek oficiálna agenda vykonávaná výlučne v štátnom jazyku a bude zavŕšená reforma písma na latinku. Ruskojazyčné obyvateľstvo Uzbekistanu možno rozdeliť do dvoch skupín: časť obyvateľstva sa socio-kultúrne a jazykovo integrovala do uzbeckej spoločnosti (možno ich nazvať "Uzbekmi ruského pôvodu"). Títo sú zvyčajne zamestnancami veľkých hospodárskych celkov plne ekonomicky zabezpečení a podporujú myšlienku uzbekčiliku - mentality moderného Uzbekistanu.
Väčšia časť ruskojazyčného obyvateľstva a neuzbecké stredoázijské národy (Tadžici, Kazaši, Turkméni a Kirgizi) sa snažia o samostatnú politickú realizáciu v rámci existujúceho systému. V sociálnej oblasti je ich správanie determinované snahou o prežitie a profitovanie zo štátnej pomoci.
Treťou skupinou sú eurázijskí Uzbeci (s európskymi predkami) integrovaní do spoločnosti a nepožadujúci osobitný štatút. Riziká mnohonárodnosti v Uzbekistane predstavujú predovšetkým etnické, jazykové, náboženské rozdiely a rozdielna úroveň podpory samostatnej štátnosti. Tieto problémy môžu byť eliminované dôsledným dodržiavaním soci-kultúrnej rovnováhy. Výhody mnohonárodnosti spočívajú v dodatočnom impulze obnovy a rastu spoločnosti.

pp. 50-71

Maroš Šefčovič: Modalities of the EU Legislation Procedures

As it can deduced from the title of the presented paper, the author has occupied himself, in a e manner, how the process of legislation in the EU is going on. After having described the outright nature of the "European", the basic legal acts of the EU were paid a close attention. Similarly, the role and the position of the fundamental EU's bodies in and within the legislative process as well as their democratic potential, stemming from the legitimacy have been described thoroughly. The emphasis is put upon the fact that the decision making power of the EU's bodies is in contradiction with the level of their legitimacy. Further, namely the regime of consultations and four procedures (la procedure de concertation, de co-opération, de co-décision and ďavis conforme) have been analysed. A particular attention has been paid to the pros and cons of the voting procedures in the EU.
Final conclusion concerning the complexity of the legislation procedure has been drawn. This complexity shall, however, reflect in the forthcoming institutional reform, which one shall result in the simplification of the law-making process in the EU.

pp. 72-91


Yuri B. Kashlev Russia and Interregional Economic Co-operation

Peter Juza Russian Geopolicy - some Remarks to its Historical Development

pp. 92-105


Cardiff European Council 15 and 16 June 1998 Presidency Conclusions

pp. 106-130


Juraj Hocman The Fall of the Roman Empire

Ján Kolník James Der Derian: On Diplomacy

pp. 131-137