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Volume 51, 2003, No. 3
Historický a etnokultúrny vývin pestovateľov bavlny
I. Bumová: GÁBOR WINKLER: Győr 1539–1939.
I. Bumová: GÁBOR WINKLER: Győr 1939–1999.
Mgr. Oľga Danglová, CSc.; PhDr. Katarína Popelková,
Ústav etnológie SAV, Klemensova 19, 813 64 Bratislava, Slovakia
The aim of the article is to present partial results
of a study into transformation processes viewed from
the point of regional co-operation in a small area in south-western
Slovakia. The qualitative field research carried out in the District of
Pezinok focused on conditions for local development. The District is
very attractive as it partially overlaps with the area of the recently
established Association of Towns and Villages in the Little Carpathians
Region. On the one hand, the article analyses results of the research
and presents them as a starting point for researches in the future:
on the other, it indicates the potential of ethnological interpretation.
The contribution consists of three parts: the first one states the
research question as well as methods of research and analysis, the
second one summarises knowledge obtained by way of social characteristic
of the region with respect to the „inheritance“ from the
pre-transformation period, and the final part examines the intraregional
co-operation in the Little Carpathians Region, then identifies areas of
co-operation and also assesses quality of this co-operation. Moreover,
it refers to conditions and perspectives of the District to pass
successfully through the transformation period and to get engaged in
supraregional co-operation.
Kľúčové slová: regionálny rozvoj,
malokarpatský región
Key words: regional development, the Little Carpathians Region.
Summary: In addition to the above-mentioned
information, the analysis of empirically obtained data by means of
ethnological research revealed several problems of methodological
character. It raised a number of additional questions, which have
remained without answers. Moreover, it indicated possible directions for
future ethnological researches into transformation processes in the
Little Carpathians Region. Furthermore, it also enables to predict
results of these processes and estimate their applicability for regional
1 Research and methodology. Although much due attention was paid
both to the design of the open-ended questionnaire, the field research
and the transcription of interviews with the magistrates and despite the
fact that a great amount of detailed material was obtained for the
purposes of an applied project, it is not possible to regard them as an
adequate and reliable basis for a deep analysis and ethnological
interpretation of the transformation processes in various regions in
Slovakia. On the one hand, many more data from the mezzolevel are
needed. That means that first of all detailed entrance demographic data
and latest statistics about the region should be exploited and used
together with qualitative research techniques (an identification of
actors in the development, interviews with established entrepreneurs,
local authorities and other important persons, questionnaires about the
structure of employment in sample villages, records of opinions of both
the positive and negative aspects of the transformation as held by local
people, priorities for the local and regional developments – not
always necessarily in agreement with the policy and goals of the local
self-administration, etc.). On the other hand, in a research of
this type two factors may be seen as shortcomings: firstly, the lack of
opportunity to do a similar research in towns and, secondly, to
interview magistrates in towns in the Little Carpathians Region. The
writers believe that a comparison of data obtained both in villages
and towns backed by the current ethnological knowledge of social and
cultural interactions and dynamic relations between rural and urban
districts seen in a historical perspective and today´s social
reality would add value of the research as a basis for ethnological
interpretation of the transformation processes.
2 The range of topics for empirical research into the problem:
Not only can a research conducted from a microlevel find
answers to all questions but it may raise new ones relevant to the
particular transformation processes and the potential for
development in the Little Carpathians Region. An additional question to
be mentioned first is about the ambivalent position of the metropolis of
Bratislava. Due to the fact that this region is also a part of the
Bratislava Region, a higher territorial unit, the role of the
capital city in plans for further development may be then viewed as
rather negative. The Bratislava Region as the most highly developed one
in Slovakia „throws shade“ on the real situation in the region. For
instance, the number of foreign investments placed in Bratislava is
obviously the highest, while in the District of Pezinok it attains only
the level of low-developed regions in the country. Another example
illustrating this situation are coefficients, which must be stated in
application forms for various grants. They may aggravate the application
process or even entirely block it in the whole region. On the other
hand, Bratislava is the most important employer for the villages
mentioned in the research. Moreover, from a historical perspective,
Bratislava cannot escape attention for its cultural and modernising
“radiation”. Also, it is not possible to avoid mentioning
generations lasting firm ties between the capital and the Little
Carpathians Region, existing in business, employment, administration,
social life, etc. In addition, there are also other factors worth
mentioning, such as tourism spreading from the metropolis to the
surrounding areas, or Bratislava´s residents returning to the
birthplaces of their parents or grandparents, including a specific
phenomenon of going to a weekz
Mgr. Katharina Richter-Kovarik
The article offers an analysis of a specific phenomenon in Slovakia during the communist regime: a more or less tolerated form of a German, in the regional dialect called „mantak”, mikroculture in the quite isolated small town Medzev (germ. Metzenseifen) with about 4000 inhabitants in the valley of river Bodva in East Slovakia. It deals with the actively spoken mantak language and with the use or even abuse (!) of mantak elements of folklore (songs, dances, traditional costumes etc.) for example for socialist propaganda in the time after World War II and 1989. The original mantak population, that had been living there since the middleages and that managed to stay during the cruel time of the compulsory transfer under president Beneš in 1946/1947, was strongly discriminated on the one hand side. But on the other hand side their peculiarity was tolerated and even stimulated by local mantak or Slovak communist leaders. As Metzenseifen was a traditional hammersmith town the communists who had called the smiths to work in a huge local factory were interested in motivating them. They should not forget how „diligent” their mantak ancestors had been and allowed them to dress up in traditional mantak costumes and sing mantak songs during folkloristic festivals. Of course they could practise in the factory after work. Slovak newspapers were writing about the mantak people and special mantak customs without mentioning that they were Germans. Everything „German” had been put under a taboo, and although there still lived people of German origin in some regions of Slovakia they preferred to camouflage it and spoke about „mantaks”, „potoks” or „swabians”. Peculiar groups in different small towns or villages were easier to control than a strong German association of an accepted minority. When mantaks of Medzev started to mobilize members for a Cultural Association of the German Minority of Czechoslovakia (Kulturverband der Bürger deutscher Nationalität der ČSSR) that had been founded in Prague in 1969 they got problems with Slovak authorities as there was an aversion against German cultural manifestation. Inspite of all problems there was founded a local group of the association in Medzev in 1970, the only one in Slovakia. It had been working only for three years, then the pressure started to be unbearable and the officials stopped their activities (e.g. German cultural program with songs, dances, poems, theatre etc.). In Slovakia the more than 5000 official Germans (of course there were much more who were afraid to declare their affiliation) had no own newspaper, radio program, special German classes for small children etc. during communist time as they were not accepted as a German minority group with the same rights as other national minorities.
Kľúčové slová: Nemci na Slovensku,
nemecká tradičná kultúra za socializmu, mantácka mikrokultúra
Keywords: Germans in Slovakia, German traditional culture during
socialism, „mantak” microculture
Summary: The study analyses the ambivalent relation of the political power to a German microculture of the so-called mantáci at the period of socialism in Slovakia. The field research focused on traditional communities of iron-founders at Nižný Medzev and Vyšný Medzev. Here at least one third of approximately 4, 000 inhabitants can speak or understand the local German dialect called mantáčtina. The German colonists settling in the area between the 12th and the 14th centuries lived in their new home till WWII, after which they were deported. Since immediately after the War everything German was described as “Fascist” or “Hitlerian“, the Germans in Slovakia were simply put under toboo. Nevertheless, the situation was a kind of paradox: although the Germans as a minority were discriminated, specific features of their culture were tolerated and even used for socialist propaganda. Officially the German nationality hardly existed at all, which was the consequence of involuntary resignation of many Germans on their nationality in favour of the Slovak. Only gradually, as a result of softer policy towards nationalities, the “original” Germans dared manifest their own nationality in census papers. However, they had fewer rights than other minorities in Slovakia, e. g. they did not have any national representatives in the all-national institutions, could not publish their own newspapers and were still marked by popular regional denotations as “mantáci” or “švábi” (Swabians). The Carpathian Germans were still totally disregarded during the second half of the 20th century. Most probably it was because of the fact that an active union claiming minority rights for a much larger ethnic group it represented could not be so easily overseen, conrolled or just ignored as was the case of the mantáci. The emphasis on local dialect and associations with hard work of iron-founders in fact accentuated the by-gone past next to elements typical of traditional folk culture. Such an attitude did not inspire any thoughts about ties with German culture. The older generation, especially old-age pensioners, were expected to preserve traditional historical elements of their culture, mainly those expressing social criticism of exploitation of workers at feudal times and also those describing them as heroes. Many inhabitants of Medzev who preserved their awareness of being mantáci were quite satisfied by a mere opportunity to present traditions of their grandparents. This also enabled them identification with culture of the German enclave in Slovakia. Under these circumstances they did not consider important the fact that they were participating in various performances serving, to a great extent, as socialist propaganda. Nevertheless, folklore enabled the active ones to speak about their own values and also interprete them in such ways that “everyone could be satisfied”. Although the inhabitants of Medzev described themselves first of all as the mantáci (not the Germans), the town was given a negative attribute of being a German town. A sign of partial discrimination from official authorities was the allocation of lower sums of money for various community projects. The situation did not improve even after 1970 when the local branch of the Cultural Union of the Inhabitants of German Nationality in the C.S.S.R. (Kulturverband der Burger deutscher Nationalität der ČSSR) founded in Prague in 1969 was also established at Medzev. With one hundred members the branch was the only one operating in Slovakia (till 1990). It was active for three years (cultural programmes, theatre performances, choir singing, etc.) despite a constant pressure from the local National Committee. At that period a signature campaign was run with the aim to have more lessons in German at school, but without any success. In 1973 the representation of the Union resigned on its activities. Since that time, songs of the mantáci have been sung only at home, and the number of young people and children using the dialect has rapidly decreased as well. This unfavourable situation has consequently caused much frustration amidst the mantáci population.
Mgr. Silvia Letavajová, PhD. – katedra etnológie, FiF UCM, Nám. J. Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava
The aim of this article is to explain the specific approach of ethnology to the migration of refugees. It deals with the relationship between ethnocultural processes and the migration of Afghan refugees to Slovakia. The strength of ethnology is, first of all, in the traditional study of intercultural communication, in identification of the causes of and reasons for the existence of various types of prejudice and also in the assessment of alien cultural elements. In addition, it disposes of the most convenient theoretical and methodological instruments to examine the subject. The immediate application of knowledge amassed by ethnology into everyday practice enables to attain much higher effectivity at practical work with refugees, to better understand and satisfy social and cultural needs and requirements of refugees in Slovakia. Moreover, it may also show how to overcome problems in communication.
Kľúčové slová: migrácia, utečenci,
etnológia, akulturácia, integrácia, asimilácia, prechodové rituály
Key words: migration, refugees, ethnology, acculturation,
integration, assimilation, transition rituals (rités de passage).
Summary: This article explains a specific
approach of ethnology to the problem of refugees, in particular to
Afghan refugees in Slovakia. As migrations of various peoples have long
been studied both by American and European ethnologists, the writer
first presents a survey of employed terms, such as accommodation,
adaptation, acculturation, assimilation and integration as used by them.
In the following part she attempts to apply these terms to explain the
situation of Afghan refugees in Slovakia. In this context she defines
the concept of adaptation as a process consisting of both the
identification and compliance with differences between the two cultures
and the consequent harmonisation of images about Europe, namely those
about Slovakia with the reality they encounter after their arrival. She
highlights the most striking differences they identify: the relationship
between man and woman and the public presentation of the relationship,
consumption of pork meat and alcohol, a different religion and
hospitality. Moreover, she deals with processes which may support
integration with or divergence from the host culture. In addition, she
examines the process of reinterpretation of specific elements in the
original culture. To illustrate this she refers to the acceptance of and
compliance with the laws and regulations enacted by the accepting
country and, on the other hand, the simultaneous private practice of
tradition or religion, which may give rise to new autonomous
cultural elements.
In the next part the author applies Van Gennep’s theory of transition
rituals into the position of migrants. So, the second liminary phase
related to the case of Afghan refugees is approximately coincidental
with the asylum procedure, when the domestic population is represented
and protected against the foreigners by official state institutions, to
which the refugees have to explain the reasons for leaving their country
and seeking asylum in Slovakia. The quarantine, through which the
refugees must pass, may then be seen as a kind of magic
purification of an alien before entering a new world as it is
practised in traditional societies.
In the third part she discusses the oral history method, which she
regards as the most relevant to this case although observation,
participatory observation and interview are also considered as
important. In her opinion, such an approach enables the subject to
narrate about his/her life and, therefore, reveal more about their own
personality. Based on these narratives a picture of every single
refugee is not only more complete and objective but it often makes
possible to obtain missing personal data. The writer supports this
individualised approach also because every case of a refugee is
highly personal. For this reason, individual case studies may preserve
the highest measure of objectivity in examining this widely disseminated
phenomenon. On the other hand, a direct application of ethnological
knowledge into everyday practice may result in much more effective
work with refugees in Slovakia.
PhDr.Peter Salner, CSc., Ústav etnológie SAV, Klemensova 19, 813 64 Bratislava, Bratislava
The article deals with a history of an old Jewish cemetery in Bratislavc. It examines several issues: first the dating of the cemetery back to the 17th century, then the period between 1942 and 1944, when most of the tombstones here were destroyed except for the so-called Rabbis’ District, and finally the fate of the preserved graves after WWII. A special attention is given to road works when the tramway line crossing the cemetery was diverted from there and the new Chatam Sofer Memorial was constructed according to the rules of Orthodox Judaism. As directly supervised by a mažgiach ( religious supervisor), these works are very interesting for ethnology. A special section is devoted to epitaphs copied from the preserved tombs and later discovered in a German translation. This material little known in Slovakia enables us to make a picture of the people buried here and the community as a whole. Moreover, it explains the way of thinking and poetry of the Jews in 17th-19th centuries.
Kľúčové slová: židovský cintorín,
epitafy, rabinát, mažgiach
Key words: Jewish cemetery, epitaphs, Rabbis’ District, mažgiach
Summary: According to archival records the
oldest preserved Jewish cemetery in Bratislava was opened at the end of
the 17th century, although several sources move the date of its origin
fifty years earlier. The last burial took place here in 1847. The
cemetery became a place of pilgrimage for the Orthodox Jews, coming
here to pay respect to the Bratislava rabbis, namely to teacher and
scholar Chatam Sofer (1762-1839).
The existence of the cemetery was seriously endangered for the first
time in 1942-1944, when Bratislava was building here a tunnel for
civil defence. At that time most of the graves were destroyed. The
Jewish community made great efforts to save at least twenty-three graves
of rabbis, buried in the Rabbis’ District. Approximately nine hundred
burials were exhumed by the members of Chevro Kadiš’s brotherhood of
sextons and then again entered under the supervision of rabbis in a common
grave in the near-by Orthodox cemetery. The history of the preservation
of the Rabbis’ District has not completely been explained yet. In this
context several explanation have been considered as possible: a strong
political pressure from abroad, a miracle or Chatam Sofer´s
malediction. Also corruption of the city administrators has to be
mentioned. Even after WWII the graves were not safe, either. Only in
1949 the city officers decided to preserve the graves where they were.
Then it was possible to enter the tomb, a low, ever-damp cell, from
the street through a manhole. In the 1980s the city administration
decided to convert the tunnel to a short-cut for the city
transport. New tram line was leading across the area of the cemetery,
and directly above the graves was a tram stop. Before the
tombstones were destroyed, an unknown writer had made a list of the
epitaphs and translated them into German. Now these texts are an
invaluable source for studying the Jewish community. The
translation is very important for getting acquainted with some still
unknown ways of thinking and poetry of the Jewish community in the 17th
– 19th centuries.
The efforts of the Jewish community to preserve and give a decent
lay-out to the Rabbis’ District transformed to a new initiative
in the mid-1990s the aim of which was to move the tram line from the old
cemetery and also to build a new Chatam Sofer Memorial. It was
successful. However, the reconstruction works could be done only under
the strict observation of Jewish prescriptions on activities performed
in a cemetery. For this reason, it was necessary to reduce digging
and drilling works here. In case bones had been excavated, they had to
be interrupted or even terminated. The final decisions were made by Beth
Din Zedekh (Orthodox Rabbinate in Jerusalem), who consented to the
project and also dispatched a mažgiach (a religious
supervisor) from Israel to Bratislava. During the reconstruction works
differentiation within the Jewish community came to light.
A close study of this cemetery, its history, preservation and
reconstruction enable to better understand the way of thinking of the
Jews during the period under examination. Moreover, it also explains
relations between them and the majority population.
Táto práca vznikla v rámci projektu VEGA č. 2/2075/23.
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