Electronic Library of Scientific Literature
Volume IX / 1995 Number 2
Vyskumny ustav reumatickych chorob, Piestany
Riaditel: prof. MUDr. J. Rovensky, DrSc.
Asociacia medzi difuznou idiopatickou skeletalnou hyperostozou
(DISH) a antigenom HLA-B27 je stale predmetom diskusie, pretoze
sa zistila len v styroch studiach, medzi nimi aj v slovenskej
populacii. Cielom prezentovanej prace je, vzhladom na pretrvavajuce
rozpory, preverit vztah medzi DISH a antigenom HLA-B27 v slovenskej
populacii v novej zostave chorych. Studovany subor tvorilo 81
nepribuznych pacientov s DISH, v ktorom sa sledovali antigeny
HLA-A,B,C. Zistila sa statisticky vyznamne zvysena frekvencia
antigenu HLA-B27 u chorych (33,3 %) oproti kontrolnej populacii
(8,9 %; chi² = 41,04; Pcorr<0,01, relat. riziko - 5,1).
Tieto vysledky su v zhode s vysledkami dvoch nasich predchadzajucich
studii. Frekvencia HLA-B27 pri DISH (32,5 %; 32,0 %; 33,3 %) aj
hodnota relativneho rizika (4,9; 4,8; 5,1) je vo vsetkych 3 pracach
priblizne rovnaka, co dokazuje, ze uvedena asociacia nebude v
slovenskej populacii nahodnym nalezom. Teda antigen HLA-B27 je
v slovenskej populacii asociovany, okrem skupiny seronegativnych
spondartritid, aj s DISH. Tento fakt treba mat na zreteli predovsetkym
pri vyuziti typizacie HLA-B27 v klinickej praxi. Imunogeneticka
analyza je doplnena o rodinne studie. Vysetrilo sa 9 rodin probandov
s DISH, spolu 50 osob. Rodinne studie nevylucuju moznost, ze predpokladany
gen pre DISH je lokalizovany na 6. chromozome v blizkosti HLA-oblasti
- geneticka vazba (hodnotila sa metodu LOD-skore). Asociacia medzi
DISH a HLA-B27 by sa mohla potom pozorovat ako dosledok vazbovej
nerovnovahy. Teda vztah s HLA-B27 moze mat inu podstatu pri DISH
ako pri seronegativnych spondartritidach, kde sa v sucasnosti
preferuje priama ucast antigenu B27 v patogeneze ochorenia.
Klucove slova: difuzna idiopaticka skeletalna hyperostoza,
imunogeneticke aspekty, antigen HLA-B27, vazbova nerovnovaha.
The association between diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
(DISH) and HLA-B27 antigen continues to be the subject of discussion,
since it was found only in 4 studies, among them also in the Slovak
population. The aim of the presented study is, with regard to
the persisting discrepancies, to verify the relation between DISH
and HLA-B27 in the Slovak population in a new group of patients.
The studied group was formed by 81 non-related DISH patients,
in which HLA-A,B,C antigens were studied. A statistically significant
frequency of HLA-B27 in patients (33.3 %) was found against the
control population (8.9 %; chi² = 41.04; Pcorr<0.01, relat.
risk - 5.1). These results correspond to the results of our two
previous studies. The HLA-B27 frequency in DISH (32.5 %; 32.0
%; 33.3 %) as well as the relative risk value (4.9, 4.8, 5.1)
in all the 3 studies is approximately the same, demonstrating
that the mentioned association in the Slovak population is not
a random finding. The HLA-B27 antigen in Slovak population is,
thus, associated, except for the group of seronegative spondarthritides,
also with DISH. This fact has to be born in mind, especially in
relation to the use of HLA-B27 typing in the clinical practice.
The immunogenetic analysis is completed by the familial studies.
Nine families of probands with DISH were examined, the total of
50 persons. The familial studies do not exclude the possibility
that the presupposed gene for DISH is localized on the 6th chromosome
in the vicinity of the HLA-region - genetic linkage (evaluated
by the LOD scores method). The association between DISH and HLA-B27
could be observed than as a consequence of the linkage disequilibrium.
Thus, the relation to HLA-B27 in DISH can be of a different nature
than in the seronegative spondarthritides, where in the present
time, it is preferred that the B27 antigen plays a direct role
in the pathogenesis of the disease.
Key words: diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, immunogenetic
aspects, antigen HLA-B27, linkage disequilibrium.
pp. 69 - 72
Vyskumny ustav reumatickych chorob, Piestany,
Riaditel: prof. MUDr. J. Rovensky, DrSc.
Zmiesana choroba spojiva (mixed connective tissue disease - MCTD)
sa poklada za syndrom v ramci difuznych chorob spojiva (DCHS),
problematika jej diagnostiky a prognozy vsak nie je zatial uspokojivo
Cielom prace bolo na zaklade klinickych a imunologickych znakov
MCTD a inych DCHS posudit kriteria pre urcenie diagnozy MCTD a
na zaklade dlhodobeho sledovania pacientov s touto diagnozou vyhodnotit
prognozu MCTD.
V subore 34 pacientov (32 zien a 2 muzov) sa urcila diagnoza MCTD,
pricom u vsetkych pacientov sa vyskytoval Raynaudov fenomen (Rf),
opuchnute (parkovite) prsty ruk alebo sklerodaktylia, protilatky
anti-U[1]RNP v titroch vyssich ako 1:100 a pozitivita antinuklearnych
protilatok s fluorescenciou zrniteho alebo hrudkoviteho typu -
pri negativite anti-Sm, anti-dsDNA, anti-DNP a LE-testu. Nik zo
suboru nesplnal kriteria pre systemovy lupus erythematosus (SLE),
reumatoidnu artritidu (RA), systemovu sklerozu (SS) - sklerodermiu
alebo ich prekryte syndromy. V casovom intervale 3 az l4 rokov
sa u 6 z nich rozvinul typicky obraz SLE, z toho v 5 pripadoch
s lupus-nefritidou - u troch i s nefrotickym syndromom a u vacsiny
pacientov i s pozitivitou anti-dsDNA a anti-DNP. Titre anti-U[1]RNP
sa znizili pod 1:50 (u 2 pacientov) alebo vymizli (4 pacienti).
U dvoch pacientov sa zaznamenal vyvoj prekryteho syndromu SLE/SS.
U 2 chorych sa rozvinul obraz SS a u jedneho pacienta prekryty
syndrom RA/SS. Z retrospektivnej analyzy suboru sa nepodarilo
zistit klinicke, ani imunologicke znaky, na zaklade ktorych by
bolo mozne takyto vyvoj predvidat.
Z vysledkov vyplyva, ze MCTD je syndromom v ramci DCHS a jeho
klinicky obraz je kombinaciou klinickych znakov viacerych z nich
(SLE, SS, polymyozitida). Hoci ho mozno relativne dobre definovat,
patognomicke znaky pre MCTD nejestvuju. Pri urceni diagnozy MCTD
je potrebne vylucit DCHS, do ktorych sa MCTD moze rozvinut.
Klucove slova: zmiesany syndrom spojiva, MCTD - diagnostika
a prognoza, anti-U[1]RNP, prekryty syndrom.
Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) is considered a syndrome
belonging to the diffuse connective tissue diseases, (DCTD) but
the problems of its diagnostics and prognosis have not yet been
satisfactorily solved.
The aim of the study was to evaluate criteria for establishing
the MCTD diagnosis on the basis of the clinical and immunological
signs of MCTD and other diffuse connective tissue syndrome and
to evaluate the prognosis of MCTD on the basis of a long-term
study of the patients with this diagnosis.
In the group of 34 patients (32 women, 2 men), diagnosis of MCTD
was established - all patients had presence of Raynaud's phenomenon
(Rf), swollen (sausageous digits of hands or sclerodactyly, anti-U[1]RNP
antibodies in titers higher than 1:100 and positivity of antinuclear
antibodies with fluorescence of the speckled type - with negativity
of anti-Sm, anti-dsDNA, anti-DNP and LE test. No person did fulfil
criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis
(RA), systemic sclerosis (SS) or their overlap syndromes. In the
time-interval 3 to 14 years, in 6 persons a typical SLE pattern
developed, of whom in 5 cases with lupus-nephritis - in three
also with nephrotic syndrome, and in most patients also with anti-dsDNA
and anti-DNP positivity. Titers of anti-U[1]RNP decreased under
1:50 (in 2 patients) or disappeared (4 patients). In two patients
overlap syndrome SLE/SS developed. In 2 patients the pattern of
SS and in one patient overlap syndrome RA/SS developed. The retrospective
analysis of the group did not reveal clinical nor immunological
signs on the basis of which these developments could have been
The results demonstrate that MCTD is a syndrome belonging to DCTD
and its classical pattern is a combination of clinical signs of
several of them (SLE, SS, polymyositis). Although MCTD can be
relatively well defined, pathognomic signs for MCTD do not exist.
In the process of MCTD diagnostics, it is necessary to exclude
the DCTD into which MCTD can develop.
Key words: mixed connective tissue disease, MCTD - diagnostics
and prognosis, anti-U[1]RNP, overlap syndrome.
pp. 73 - 80
Vyskumny ustav reumatickych chorob, Piestany
Riaditel: prof. MUDr. J. Rovensky, DrSc.
¹Oddeleni klinicke imunologie 1. lekarske fakulty University
Karlovy, Praha
Prednosta: doc. MUDr. T. Fucikova, DrSc.
V druhej casti serie o protilatkach proti histonom - AHA sa venuje
pozornost analyze metodou ELISA s izolovanymi histonovymi frakciami
H1, H2A/H2B a H3/H4, ktore sa urcili popri anti-DNA v subore 99
chorych so systemovymi chorobami spojiva (83 SLE a 16 ine - nonSLE)
s pozitivitou anti-DNP ELISA. Podobne ako imunoblotom aj metodou
ELISA sa urcili najcastejsie AHA namierene proti histonu H1 a
H2A/H2B, hoci sa lisia konformaciou, ked pouzity izolacny postup
umoznil ziskat dimery v nativnej konformacii. Pozitivita anti-DNP
a negativita anti-DNA a AHA v niektorych serach naznacuje, ze
v takychto serach su protilatky reagujuce s chromatinom - teda
vyhradne s DNP. Taketo protilatky su castejsie v serach chorych
so systemovymi reumatickymi chorobami inymi ako SLE.
Klucove slova: autoprotilatky, SLE, systemove choroby spojiva,
protilatky proti histonom, protilatky proti DNA, protilatky proti
In the second part of the serie about antihistone antibodies -
AHA is the attention oriented to the analysis of AHA using the
ELISA method with isolated histones H1, H2A/H2B and H3/H4. AHA
were estimated besides anti-DNA in the group of 99 patients with
systemic connective tissue diseases (83 SLE and 16 others - nonSLE)
all positive in anti-DNP ELISA. Similarly as in the immunoblotting,
also in the assay by ELISA predominated as most frequent AHA against
histones H1 and H2A/H2B, though their conformation was different,
as the isolation procedure used allowed for obtainning the histone
dimers in their native conformation. Positivity of anti-DNP and
negativity in anti-DNA assays in some of the investigated sera
indicates that in those sera antibodies reactive exclusively with
chromatin were found; these are true anti-DNP. Such a type of
antibodies was more frequent in the sera of patients with systemic
rheumatic diseases other than SLE.
Key words: autoantibodies, SLE, connective tissue diseases,
anti-histone antibodies, anti-DNA antibodies, anti-chromatin antibodies,
pp. 81 - 84
Vyskumny ustav reumatickych chorob, Piestany
Riaditel: prof.MUDr. J. Rovensky, DrSc.
Kostna denzita je jeden z faktorov, ktore by sa mohli zucastnovat
na rozdielnej prevalencii osteoporotickych fraktur v jednotlivych
Cielom pilotnej studie bolo zistit hodnoty kostnej denzity v populacii
Slovenska u starsich zdravych osob nad 50 rokov a porovnat ich
s referencnou europskou populaciou.
Autori vysetrili v ramci studie EVOS (Europska studia vertebralnej
osteoporozy) 637 osob vo veku nad 50 rokov ziskanych nahodnym
vyberom a z tohto suboru vyclenili osoby, ktore povazovali za
zdrave z hladiska poruch kostneho metabolizmu. Celkovo vysetrili
48 osob, z toho 24 zien a 24 muzov, priblizne rovnomerne rozdelenych
po jednotlivych dekadach. U tychto osob sa merala plosna denzita
(BMD) lumbalnych stavcov L2-L4 a krcka stehnovej kosti na denzitometri
NORLAND XR-26 a hodnoty boli vyjadrene vo forme Z-skore oproti
referencnym hodnotam ulozenym v programovom vybaveni denzitometra.
Hodnoty BMD lumbalnych stavcov aj krcka femuru boli u muzov vyssie
ako u zien. Pri porovnani s referencnou europskou populaciou mali
hodnoty Z-skore lahko zvysene hodnoty u oboch pohlavi a v oboch
meranych lokalizaciach: chrbtica muzi Z=0,37 n.s., zeny Z=0,48
n.s., krcek muzi Z=0,003 n.s., zeny Z = 0,46 (p<0,01).
Lahko zvysena kostna denzita u starsich osob obyvatelov Slovenska
by mohla ciastocne vysvetlovat nizsiu prevalenciu osteoporotickych
zlomenin v porovnani s niektorymi europskymi krajinami. Vysledky
su zatial len predbezne a v praci sa bude pokracovat v II. etape
Europskej studie vertebralnej osteoporozy.
Klucove slova: kostna denzita, zdrava starsia populacia,
pilotna studia.
Bone density is one of the factors which could play a role in
different prevalence of osteoporotic fractures in the individual
The aim of the pilot study was to find out the values of bone
density in Slovak population, in healthy older persons over 50
and to compare them with reference data of the European population.
In the EVOS (European vertebral osteoporosis study), the authors
examined 637 persons aged more than 50 years included by random
choice and of this group they chose persons healthy from the point
of view of bone metabolism disorders. They examined the total
of 48 persons, of which 24 women and 24 men, almost equally distributed
in the individual decades. In these persons bone mineral density
(BMD) of lumbar vertebrae L2-L4 and femoral neck was measured
on densitometer NORLAND XR-26 and the values were expressed under
the form of Z-scores against the reference values, stored in the
densitometer software.
The BMD of the lumbar vertebrae as well as the femoral neck were
higher in men than in women. In comparison with the reference
data of the European population the Z-scores manifested slightly
increased values in both sexes and in both measured localisations:
spine men Z=0.37 n.s., women Z=0.48 n.s., femoral neck men Z=0.003
n.s., women Z=0.46 (p<0.01).
The slightly increased bone density in older persons in Slovakia
could partly explain a lower prevalence of osteoporotic fractures
in comparison with some European countries. The results are so
far preliminary and the study will continue in the second phase
of the European study of vertebral osteoporosis.
Key words: bone mineral density, healthy older population,
pilot study.
pp. 85 - 88
Vyskumny ustav reumatickych chorob, Piestany
Riaditel: prof. MUDr. J. Rovensky, DrSc.
¹Katedra anorganickej chemie, CHTF STU, Bratislava
Veduci: prof. RNDr. M. Melnik, DrSc.
Vyuzitie mednatych komplexov v ulohe zhasacov alebo putacov reaktivnych
stavov kyslika, ako su superoxidovy anion a hydroxylovy radikal,
je stale aktualne. Navyse sa od tychto zlucenin ocakava, ze pri
liecbe artritidy by mohli nahradit toxickejsie zluceniny zlata.
Cielom nasho pokusu bolo sledovanie vplyvu niflumatu mednateho
[Cu(nif)[2]] a ronikoloveho aduktu tejto zluceniny [Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2]]
na model adjuvantnej artritidy potkanov.
Samcom inbrednych potkanov kmena Lewis zivej hmotnosti 220-240
g bola indukovana adjuvantna artritida intradermalne tepelne usmrtenymi
Mycobacterium butyricum v inkompletnom Freundovom adjuvanse.
Artriticke potkany boli potom liecene komplexmi medi: Cu(nif)[2]
a Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2] v dvoch davkach (60 mg a 80 mg/kg zivej hmotnosti/den),
per os kazdych 48 hodin. Zo zapalovych a artritickych ukazovatelov
sme urcovali: serovy albumin a hyaluronan, sledovali sme aj opuchy,
rtg zadnych koncatin i zivu hmotnost potkanov.
Signifikantne zmeny sme pozorovali u potkanov liecenych davkou
80 mg Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2]. Vyznamne sa znizila serova koncentracia
hyaluronanu v krvnom sere, opuchy a rozsah kostnych erozii klbov
zadnych koncatin (podla rtg). Aj davky Cu(nif)[2] a Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2]
v mnozstve 60 mg/kg znizovali sledovane ukazovatele, vyznamne
rozdiely medzi liecenymi a neliecenymi zvieratami sme vsak zistili
len v pripade opuchov zadnych koncatin.
Mednaty komplex Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2] v davke 80 mg/kg zivej hmotnosti
sa javi ako ucinna latka tlmiaca vyvoj artritidy u potkanov s
indukovanou adjuvantnou artritidou.
Klucove slova: mednate komplexy, protizapalove latky, model
adjuvantnej artritidy.
The use of copper complexes in the role of scavengers or lures"
of reactive oxygen species, such as superoxide anion and hydroxyl
radical continues to be studied. Moreover, these compounds are
expected to replace in the arthritis treatment the more toxic
gold compounds.
The aim of our experiment was to study bis-(niflumate)copper (II)
[Cu(nif)[2]] and ronicol adduct (3-pyridilcarbinole adduct) of
this compound [Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2]] on the model of adjuvant arthritis
of rats.
In the male inbred rats of Lewis strain of the body-weight 220-240
g, adjuvant arthritis was induced intradermally by heat-killed
Mycobacterium butyricum in incomplete Freund's adjuvant.
The arthritis rats were then treated by copper complexes: Cu(nif)[2]
and Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2] in two dosages (60 mg and 80 mg/kg body-weight/day)
per os every 48 hours. Of the inflammation and arthritis markers
serum albumin and hyaluronan were assessed, as well as swelling,
X-rays of the hind paws and the body-weight of the rats.
Significant changes were observed in the rats treated by 80 mg/kg
dose of Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2]. There was a significant decrease of
serum hyaluronan concentration, of the swelling and the extent
of the bone erosions of the hind paw joints (on X-rays). The 60
mg/kg doses of Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2] decreased also the studied markers,
but significant differences between the treated and untreated
animals were found only in the hind-paws swelling.
The copper complex Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2] in the dosage 80 mg/kg body-weight
was demonstrated to be an affective drug inhibiting the development
of arthritis in rats with adjuvant arthritis.
Key words: copper complexes, antiinflammatory drugs, rat
adjuvant arthritis.
pp. 89 - 94
¹Ustav experimentalnej farmakologie Slovenskej akademie
vied, Bratislava
Riaditel: doc. MUDr. V. Bauer, DrSc.
²Statny ustav pre kontrolu lieciv, Bratislava
Riaditel: doc. RNDr. L. Martinec, CSc.
³Ustav patologickej anatomie Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity
Komenskeho, Bratislava
Prednosta: prof. MUDr. M. Zaviacic, DrSc.
Oblicky intaktnych NZB/W F[1] mysi a NZB/W F[1] mysi, ktore dostavali
peroralne mednaty pripravok Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2], sme vysetrili
pomocou protilatok proti glomerulovym bazalnym membranam (antiGBM),
proti fibronektinu a pomocou protilatok proti mysim imunoglobulinom.
Pocas starnutia mysi dochadzalo v mezangiu glomerul k pribudaniu
fibronektinu. Aplikacia Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2] vyvolala v mezangiu
9-mesacnych mysi ubytok fibronektinu. AntiGBM ukazali prirastok
mezangium matrix a hrubnutie GBM u 9-mesacnych neliecenych mysi.
S pribudajucim vekom mysi sa najma v mezangiu zvysovala depozicia
imunoglobulinov. Mednaty pripravok tymto zmenam zabranoval. Vo
vyssich davkovych skupinach bol obraz roznorody, prekryty jazvovymi
zmenami v kore obliciek.
Klucove slova: imunohistochemia, NZB/W F[1] mysi, oblicky,
morfologia, med, terapia, fibronektin, imunoglobulin, glomerulove
bazalne membrany.
The kidneys of the intact NZB/W F[1] mice and the NZB/W F[1] mice
which received peroral copper preparation Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2] were
examined by means of antibodies against the glomerular basement
membranes (antiGBM), against fibronectin and by means of antibodies
against the mice immunoglobulins. In course of the ageing of mice,
in the glomerular mesangium fibronectin increased. The Cu(nif)[2](ron)[2]
application in the mesangium of the 9-month old mice induced a
decrease of fibronectin. The antiGBM showed the matrix mesangium
increase and GBM thickening in the untreated 9-month old mice.
With the increasing age of mice, depositions of immunoglobulins
increased especially in the mesangium. These changes were prevented
by the copper preparation. In the higher dosage groups, the pattern
varied, being overlapped by scarred changes in the kidney cortex.
Key words: immunohistochemistry, NZB/W F[1] mice, kidneys,
morphology, copper, therapy, fibronectin, immunoglobulin, glomerular
basement membranes.
pp. 95 - 103
¹Revmatologicky ustav, Praha
Reditel: doc. MUDr. K. Pavelka, CSc.
²I. ortopedicka klinika VFN LFUK, Praha
Prednosta: prof. MUDr. A. Sosna, DrSc.
V praci je podan prehled vysledku implantaci nahrady ramenniho
kloubu (vyrobce Pro-Spon, Ceska republika) u pacientu s revmatoidni
artritidou (RA) a u pacientu po urazu ramene, ktere byly provedeny
na I. ortopedicke klinice VFN LFUK v Praze v letech 1991-1993.
Operovano bylo celkem 22 pacientu, z toho 5 s RA a 17 pourazovych
stavu. Vyhodnoceno bylo celkem 16 nemocnych. Hlavnim pozitivem
operacniho zasahu bylo snizeni bolesti a zlepseni kvality zivota
nemocnych (hodnoceno pomoci dotazniku podle Constanta a HAQ).
Zlepseni aktivni a pasivni hybnosti bylo prukazne, ale jen mirne.
Presto ve skupine nemocnych s RA udavali spokojenost s operaci
4 z 5 nemocnych, ve skupine pourazove 10 z 11 nemocnych. Byl vypracovan
postup rehabilitace po operaci rozdeleny do tri fazi. Nase zavery
povazujeme za predbezne, protoze je nutne skupinu rozsirit, vyhodnotit
v delsim casovem odstupu a zamerit se i na zmeny v rtg obraze.
Presto lze nahradu Pro-Spon hodnotit jako perspektivni. Jejim
dalsim nemalym prinosem je jeji nizka cena ve srovnani s dalsimi
srovnatelnymi implantaty.
Klicova slova: ramenni kloub, totalni nahrada, cervikokapitalni
The study presents results of shoulder-joint endoprosthesis implantations
(producer Pro-Spon, Czech republic) to rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
patients and patients after trauma of the shoulder, performed
at the Ist Clinic of Orthopaedics of the VFN LFUK in Prague, in
1991-1993. The total of 22 patients underwent the surery, of which
5 with RA and 17 posttraumatic conditions. Sixteen of them were
evaluated. The main benefit of the surgical intervention was the
decrease of pain and improvement of the quality of life of patients
(evaluated by the questionnaires according to Constant and HAQ).
The improvement of the active and passive mobility, although only
slight, was significant. Four of the 5 RA patients and 10 of 11
posttraumatic patients were satisfied with the outcome of the
surgery. The rehabilitation method consisting of three phases,
was elaborated. We consider our conclusions preliminary, since
the group has to be enlarged and followed up after a longer time-interval
and also examination of the X-ray changes has to be included.
The Pro-Spon endoprosthesis can, nevertheless, be evaluated as
perspective. Its further advantage lies in its low price in comparison
with other comparable implants.
Key words: shoulder-joint, total endoprosthesis, cervico-capital
pp. 105 - 110
Ustav patologickej anatomie Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho
a Fakultnej nemocnice, Bratislava
Prednosta: prof. MUDr. M. Zaviacic, DrSc.
Fibronektiny su strukturne a antigenovo pribuzne glykoproteiny
s funkciou molekuloveho tmelu. V dostatocnej miere je preskumany
problem ich stavby, zlozenia, studuju sa ich vztahy k integrinom.
Dostatocne su vedomosti o ich funkcii za normalnych, menej za
patologickych okolnosti. Cielom prehladu je informacia o sucasnom
stave poznania fibronektinov a naznacenie moznosti ich uplatnenia
v chorobnych procesoch. Zucastnuju sa na vzajomnych interakciach,
adhezii a migracii buniek, na organizacii cytoskeletu, v embryonalnom
vyvoji a morfogeneze, v hemostaze, hojeni ran. Povrchovy fibronektin
stracaju transformovane a neoplasticke bunky. Ukazuju sa moznosti
uplatnenia analyzy fibronektinov v analyzach spojiva poskodeneho
chorobnym procesom. Funkcna morfologia ucasti fibronektinov (ilustrovane
z vlastneho materialu) na interpretacii ortomorfologickych a patomorfologickych
nalezov ma pred sebou otvorene znacne neprebadane pole.
Klucove slova: fibronektin, struktura, lokalizacia, kratky
Fibronectins are structurally and antigen related glycoproteins
with the function of molecular glue. Their structure and composition
have been thoroughly investigated, their relations to integrins
is studied. Their function under normal circumstances is well-known,
less known is their function under pathologic circumstances. The
aim of the review is the information on the present state of the
knowledge of fibronectins and an indication of their possible
roles in the pathologic processes. They are involved in the mutual
interactions, adhesion and migration of the cells, in the cytoskeleton
organization, in the embryonal development and morphogenesis,
in haemostasis and healing of wounds. The transformed and neoplastic
cells are losing the surface fibronectin. Possibilities of the
utilization of fibronectin analysis in the analyses of pathologically
damaged connective tissue are opened up. The functional morphology
of the role of fibronectins in the interpretation of orthomorphologic
and pathomorphologic findings is still largely an unexplored ground.
Key words: fibronectin, structure, localization, short
pp. 111 - 118
II. interna klinika LFUK, Bratislava
Prednosta: prof. MUDr. I. Balazovjech, DrSc.
Pod pojem vaskulitidy zahrnujeme skupinu heterogennych ochoreni,
casto neznamej etiologie, ktore su charakterizovane zapalom a
nekrozou cievnej steny. Nasledok takehoto cievneho zapalu zavisi
od velkosti, miesta a poctu postihnutych krvnych ciev. Zapal cievy
moze vzniknut de novo ako esencialna porucha krvnych ciev
(primarne vaskulitidy) alebo v ramci nejakeho ineho zakladneho
ochorenia (sekundarne vaskulitidy). V konecnom dosledku vedie
zapal cievnej steny k ischemii a nekroze tkaniv, ktore su vyzivovane
postihnutymi cievami.
Medzi primarne systemove vaskulitidy s najtazsim priebehom patri
polyartheritis nodosa, thromboangiitis obliterans, Wegenerova
granulomatoza, Churgov-Straussov syndrom, Hortonova obrovskobunkova
arteritida a Takayasuova arteritida. V praci sa analyzuje etiopatogeneza,
klinicky obraz, moznosti diagnostiky a liecby uvedenych ochoreni.
Ide o ochorenia, ktore sa sice vyskytuju velmi zriedkavo, ale
v ramci diferencialnej diagnostiky sa s nimi moze stretnut kazdy
Klucove slova: polyartheritis nodosa, Churgov-Straussov
syndrom, Wegenerova granulomatoza, thromboangiitis obliterans,
Takayasuova arteritida, temporalna arteritida.
Vasculitides are a heterogenous group of diseases with unknown
ethiology which are characterized by the inflammation and necrosis
of blood vessels leading eventually to ischemia and necrosis of
tissues perfused by the affected vessels. The consequence of such
a vessel inflammation depends on the size, localization and number
of affected blood vessels. Vasculitides can be devided into two
groups: primary vasculitides (developed as an essential disorder
of the blood vessels) and secondary vasculitides (associated with
a variety of different underlying diseases).
The most serious primary systemic vasculitides include polyartheritis
nodosa, thromboangiitis obliterans, Wegener's granulomatosis,
Churg-Strauss syndrome, granulomatous (giant cell) temporal arteritis
and Takayasu's arteritis. In this review, the ethiopathogenesis,
clinical features, diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of
these diseases are discussed. Though they are rare, each physician
can meet them in his everyday practise.
Key words: polyartheritis nodosa, Churg-Strauss syndrome,
Wegener's granulomatosis, thromboangiitis obliterans, Takayasu's
artheritis, giant cell temporal artheritis.
pp. 119 - 128