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Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics

Volume 50 / No. 1 / 2002

J.Hydrol. Hydromech., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2002, p. 3
Scientific Paper, English Language
Novak V., Simunek J., Van Genuchten M. Th.: Infiltration into a swlling, cracked clay soil, (Infiltracia do napuciavajucej pody s puklinami)

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  • Transient infiltration into a swelling, cracked fine-textured soil was calculated using the originally designed FRACTURE submodel (version B) of the HYDRUS–ET simulation model. The model permits changes in the dimensions of the cracks during the infiltration process. Modeling results obtained with the new model were compared with those from FRACTURE submodel (version A) assuming a stable crack system. It is shown that deforming cracks lead to higher rates of infiltration during precipitation events as compared with stable cracks. A difference of about 20 percent was estimated in our illustrative example.

    KEY WORDS: Swelling Soils, Soil Cracks, Water Infiltration, Mathematical Modeling.

  • Address: Ing. Viliam Novak, DrSc., Ustav hydrologie, SAV, Racianska 75, P.O.B. 94, 838 11 Bratislava 38, Slovenska republika, mailto: novak@uh.savba.sk Jiri Simunek, PhD., M.Th. van Genuchten, George E. Brown, Jr., Salinity Laboratory, 450 W. Big Springs Road, Riverside, CA 92507- 4617, USA.

    J.Hydrol. Hydromech., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2002, p. 20
    Scientific Paper, English Language
    Witkowska-Walczak B., Slawinski C.: Saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil aggregtes samples derived from loess, (Hydraulicka vodivost vzoriek vodou nasytenej pody, zlozenych z agregatov sprase roznej velkosti)

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  • The influence of the size soil aggregates derived from loess, expressed by mean weight diameter of aggregates which build soil samples, on the saturated hydraulic conductivity was presented. It has been found that size of aggregates influenced the amount of large pores in soil samples. The relationship between the saturated hydraulic conductivity and the amount of large pores can be described by function: Ks = 0.356. Exp (6.852 PL).

    KEY WORDS: Soil Aggregtion, Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity.

  • Address: Assistant Prof. dr hab. Barbara Witkowska-Walczak, Dr Cezary S³awinski; Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doœwiadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin 27, P. O. Box 201, Poland, e-mail: cslawin@demeter.ipan.lublin.pl

    J.Hydrol. Hydromech., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2002, p. 29
    Scientific Paper, Czech Language
    Fosumpaur P., Nachazel K., Patera A.: Rozhodovaci model operativniho rizeni povodnoveho odtoku z nadrze, (Decisioín making model for flood control operation)

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  • The paper deals with the decision making model for flood control operation of a reservoir in conditions of stochastic uncertainty when the development of the flood is not known beforehand and only the short-term hydrological forecast is available. The decision model is based on the decision logic with the conditional IF-THEN rules by which current operational situations and discrete regulation actions are derived. The sensitivity analysis of the reliability of the forecasting model and comparison of the flood control in various conditions of uncertainty of input parameters are included. The decision-making model was tested on several historical floods on the Divoka Orlice river in the profile of the Pastviny dam.

    KEY WORDS: Flood Control, Decision Making Model, Hydrological Model, Rainfall-Runoff Process, Dynamic System.

  • Address: Dr. Ing. Pavel Fosumpaur, Prof. Ing. Karel Nachazel, DrSc., Prof. Ing. Adolf Patera, DrSc., CVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, Thákurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6, Èeská republika.

    J.Hydrol. Hydromech., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2002, p. 50
    Review, English Language
    Howari F. M., Banat K. M.: Hydrochemical charcteristics of Jordan and Yarmouk river waters: effect of natural and human activities, (Hydrochemicke charakteristiky riek Jordan a Jarmuk: prirodzene a antropogenne vplyvy)

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  • Water-chemistry was used to assist in understanding the effect of human and natural activities on the Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers. Eighty-eight water samples were collected from different locations along the flow paths of both Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers, and analyzed for major ions. The analyzed water samples of Yarmouk River were predominantly alkaline water with prevailing chloride and sodium; and characterized with low TDS values that range from 571 to 801 mg l-1. The predominant water type of Jordan river is alkaline earth with prevailing chloride and increase portion of alkalies and characterized by high TDS value that range from 2914 to 3224 mg l-1. The sampling took place in different time periods between July 1996 and April 1996 to determine the effect of changing seasons on the chemistry of the studied rivers. From the upper to lower reaches of both Jordan and Yarmouk rivers, a systematic increase of most of the measured major ions concentrations is reported in July 1996. Strong variations were observed in the water chemistry between the different locations. As the distance increase from the mouth of the rivers, so did the salinity of the water. The study found that the Jordan River is affected by groundwater system and the related anthropogenic activities on both sides of the Jordan Valley; where saline groundwater is mainly resulted from ancient entrapped sea water or brine deep seated origin. The water which dilute Yarmouk river is a Ca+2-HCO3-. The in the ion concentrations in 1996 than those reported in 1969 is due to the increase of the anthropogenic effects.

    KEY WORDS: Hydrochemistry, Jordan River, Yarmouk River.

  • Address: F. M. Howari, Texas A & M Agricultural Research and Extension Center 1380 A and M Circle, El Paso, TX, USA (current address); howari@utep.edu K. M. Banat, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Yarmouk University, Jordan.

    J.Hydrol. Hydromech., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2002, p. 65
    Information, Czech Language
    Vlasak P.: In memoriam ing. Vaclav Elias, CSc., (In memoriam Ing. Vaclav Elias, CSc.)

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  • Data not available

    KEY WORDS: Data not available

  • Address: Ing. Pavel Vlasak, CSc., Institute of Hydrodynamics, AS CR, Pod Patankou 5, 166 12 Prague 6, Czech republik.

    J.Hydrol. Hydromech., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2002, p. 67
    Information, English Language
    Sutor J.: Anniversary of Vit Klemes, (Vit Klemes jubiluje)

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  • Data not available

    KEY WORDS: Data not available

  • Address: RNDr. Julius Sutor, DrSc., Institute of Hydrology, SAS, Racianska 75, P.O.Box 94, 838 11 Bratislava 38, Slovak Republic.

    J.Hydrol. Hydromech., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2002, p. 71
    Information, Slovak Language
    Svoboda A.: Vit Klemes: Zdravy rozum a ine kacirstva, vyber clankov z hydrologie a vodneho inzinierstva, (Vit Klemes: Common Sense and Other Heresies, Selected Papers on Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering)

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  • Data not available

    KEY WORDS: Data not available

  • Address: Ing. Ales Svoboda, CSc., Martincekova 12, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

    J.Hydrol. Hydromech., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2002, p. 73
    Information, Slovak Language
    Viliam Novak: Ing. Josef Hladny, CSc. sedemdesiatrocny, (Ing. Josef Hladny, CSc. is seventy)

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  • Data not available

    KEY WORDS: Data not available

  • Address: Ing. Viliam Novak, DrSc., Institute of Hydrology, SAS, Racianska 75, 838 11 Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

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