Electronic Library of Scientific Literature



Volume 42 / No. 2/ 1999





Kľúčové slová: systém PMK – zmena – medzníky vývoja – politický systém – legislatíva – ekonomické podmienky – publikum PMK – mediálne konflikty

Changes in Media Situation in Slovakia Since 1989

Keywords: media system – change – milestones in the development – political system – legislation – economic conditions – media audiences – media conflicts

Analysing political, legislative and institutional changes in relation to the media, this study focuses on the Slovak media system’ s changes since 1989. The year 1989 is considered the starting point of establishing a new, democratic and pluralistic media system. When the Slovak Republic was established in 1993, conditions for completing the Slovak media system were created. The author considers these processes as controversial and conflicting but – in their main direction – as positive and irreversible. As for the press, the number of the published press titles increased three times, the new subsystems of advertising and erotic press came to being, and the regional and local press expanded considerably. Content and graphic of newspapers achieved higher standards, size of newspapers and magazines increased. Average circulation of newspapers, especially dailies, decreased while their cover price went up (rose). Unlike to magazines, newspapers lost a considerable part of their readers. A dual broadcasting system was established. New media, mainly cable television, became popular with the public.

Changes in the Slovak media system were accompanied with misunderstandings and conflicts with political power. The media found fault with unequal access to government information, bad economic conditions, lack of independence of the public media and so on. After general elections in September 1998, conditions for better relations between political power and the media were established.

pp. 93-101

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Kľúčové slová: koncentrácia – koncentrácia médií – koncentrácia a pluralita médií – právna úprava koncentrácie médií – Rada Európy – Európska únia – snaha o jednotný prístup ku koncentrácií médií – regulácia koncentrácie médií v členských krajinách EÚ – národné mediálne politiky – príprava právnej regulácie koncentrácie médií na Slovensku

Media Concentration and its Regulation in Europe

Keywords: concentration – media concentrations – media concentration and pluralism – legal regulation of the media concentration – the Council of Europe – the European Union – common approach to the media concentration – regulation of the media concentration in the EU member states – national media policies – prepared legal regulation of the media concentration in Slovakia

The author analyses and summarises approaches of the European countries and European international organisations to the regulation of media concentrations. First he explains the basic concepts ”concentration” and ”media concentration and pluralism”. Then he presents former and present efforts of the Council of Europe and European Union to create a legal framework for the regulation of media concentration in Europe. Further the author describes a set of measures to prevent media concentrations and to maintain media plurality, and implementation of these measures in European countries. In the closing part, he mentions controversial directions of the national media policies.

Media concentration is a difficult and controversial problem. Legal regulations in European countries try to solve this problem in a very diverse way. European efforts towards a common approach to media concentration failed. Neither the Council of Europe, nor the European Union did manage to prepare a legal instrument that would be a starting point and legal framework for national legislation in this field. One reason is that the relationships between these kinds of power and media concentration in terms of content are very complex: it is extremely difficult to predict the consequences of any kind of change in the power structure for the content. Another argument says that international regulations would obstruct the natural growth and consolidation of successful and profitable media corporations, to the detriment of European competitiveness (in relation to the US and Japan).

This is why the legal regulation of media concentration (as well as regulation of cross ownership) remains in the hands of national governments. Moreover, this regulation is very different because it has to respect specific conditions of the national media markets.

This means, Slovak legislators cannot simply choose some examples from European countries to establish a national regulation of media. It is necessary to analyse in depth the situation on the Slovak media market and to take measures that would guarantee the media plurality in these specific conditions. These measures should not be restricted to the legal regulations only but include more wide scale of tools to ensure media plurality in the harmony with prepared media policy conception of the Slovak Republic.

pp. 102-113

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Kľúčové slová: jazykovo zmiešané oblasti – špecifické mediálne správanie – technické podmienky komunikácie – osobnostné predpoklady komunikácie – elektronické médiá – spravodajstvo –denná tlač – posúdenie aktuálnych spoločensko-politických otázok

pp. 114-124

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pp. 125-132

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