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Volume 38 / No. 3 / 2003
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Katedra psychológie, FF UK Bratislava
Katedra vývinovej psychológie, Univerzita Regensburg
Abstract: The study is part of the Bielefeld longitudinal project
focused on research of socio-emotional development of children. It represent the
analysis of instructional behavior of mothers in playing with their two-year-old
children (47 interactive couples, 23 girls and 24 boys) in the context of
socio-emotional development of children. The study follows aspects of maternal
behavior that inhibit exploration of children (directiveness, restrictiveness,
intervention in child’s activity, ignorance and refusal of child’s
requirements) and it values the quality of play scaffolding (orientation of the
course of the play on the child). The analysis showed interindividual
differences between mothers in the valued aspects of behavior also in
orientation of the course of the play on the child. On the basis of the contexts
among particular inhibiting aspects, the inhibiting tendency was confirmed in
the behavior of some mothers. High directiveness of mothers in playing with
two-year-old children is in a negative relationship with their maternal
sensitivity toward one-year-old children. Restrictiveness of mothers in a play
with two-year-old children is in a negative relationship with
socio-emotional competence of children in these period of adolescence.
Characteristics of mothers’ behavior in playing are relatively independent of
demographic factors.
Key words: instructional behavior, inhibiting aspects of maternal
behavior, play scaffolding, maternal sensitivity, socio-emotional development,
socio-emotional competence
Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa, 38, 2003, č. 3, s. 195–215.
Husitská teologická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
Psychologický ústav AV ČR, Praha
Abstract: The target of the study was to find out how some aspects of
gender identity and role acquirement develop in children of younght and middle
school age. Respondents were pupils of the primary school (1st, 3rd and 5th
grades). The development of the gender aspects of personality was followed with
regard to their toy and play preferences, gender of their best friends, ideas
about their future vocation and analysis of drawing a human figure. The
results confirm foreign studies and confirm a high gender stereotypes in
children of this age (especially in toy and friends choices and in drawing of
human figure). Absence of sufficiently near masculine models was apparent in
boys’ asnwers.
Key words: Gender role acquirement, gender identity development, younght
school age, middle school age, drawing of a human figure, preference of
friends, future vocation, gender stereotypes
Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa, 38, 2003, č. 3, s. 216–235.
Katedra psychológie, Filozofická fakulta UK, Bratislava
Katedra psychológie a etickej výchovy, Pedagogická fakulta TU, Trnava
Abstract: The goal of the study was to characterize the
development of cognition of deaf-blind individuals and to confront it with
information on cognitive development of intact individuals. The authors found
that basal developmental lawfulness is universal, however, deaf-blind
individuals who lost the two distance senses at early age become „normal“
only because of receiving help of others. Education of deaf-blind individuals
confirms the existence of the sensitive period so typical for development of
particular mental functions, mostly speech. The development direction from
biological to psychosocial is apparent. This can only be mediated by language,
which serves as social and simultaneously as mental tool functioning in
communication and thinking of people concurrently. By description of the
conceptual development of deaf-blind individuals it was possible to support
Vigotsky’s theory according to which mental contents are developed by being
organized from syncretism – via the complex – up to the concept.
Key words: deaf-blind, concept, gesture, language, mental development
Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa, 38, 2003, č. 3, s. 236–250.
Základná cirkevná škola sv. J. Vianneyho, Rajec
Abstract: Five classes of four grades of basic school
participated in the qualitative-quantitative research. The visually impaired
child was integrated in two classes of four experimental classes, one class
served as a control class. The experimental intervention consisted of
reading a fairy-tale story about a blind chicken; a more detailed
analysis of the story and discussion in two experimental classes followed. The
research showed that emotional component of children’s attitude toward the
disabled is saturated mostly by curiosity. Positive tendencies prevailed in the
connative component from the beginning. The reading of a fairy-tale story
influenced the cognitive component of the attitude in the most. More distinct
appeared to be the influence of the experimental effect in groups where, after
the story was read, its analysis followed. However, the positive movement in
children’s attitudes toward the visually-impaired was significantly mediated
by the class atmosphere – a more distinct effect was found in more
creative and more active classes.
Key words: visually-impaired child, attitude to the disabled, fairy-tale
Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa, 38, 2003, č. 3, s. 251–276.
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