Electronic Library of
Scientific Literature
Volume 42 / No. 1/ 1999
Kľúčové slová: kontinuálny reprezentatívny sociologický výskum – vývoj sledovanosti elektronických médií – čítanosť dennej tlače
pp. 1-10
Kľúčové slová: teoretická a metodologická emancipácia slovenskej novinovedy – oživovanie kontaktov so svetovou novinovedou – nové prístupy v bádaní dejín a teórie žurnalistiky, vzťahov novinárstva a spoločnosti
Slovak Journalism Science in the Process of Society Democratisation (1963–1970)
Keywords: theoretical and methodological emancipation – revival of contacts with the world science – new research approaches in the history and theory of journalism – new approaches in investigation of relations between journalism and society
This article is a probe into the very complicated period of the Slovak history, its politics and state ideology. It tries to reveal the effort of Slovak society and intelligentsia to resist the state power. The article explains how the Slovak journalism science, in that conditions, began to reconsider and reinterpret relationships of the journalism and society (ideology and journalism, politics and journalism, politician and journalist, political power and journalism). In that period, the Slovak journalism science posed the new approaches and insights to the history of Slovak journalism and journalistic personalities, which – because of ideological reasons and as a result of dogmatic practice – “dropped out” from the history. A new, pluralistic picture of the Slovak journalism history was drowning. Entering the European and World journalism science context, theory and methodology of the Slovak journalism science were radically changed. They became an important part of democratisation processes that led to the August 1968.
pp. 11-18
The Relationships Between Mass Media Development and Advertising Market in Slovakia
Keywords: advertisements – media – advertising market – influence of politics – trends
This article analyses development of the Slovak advertising market and its influence on mass media development. The article firstly defines general characteristics of the Slovak media and advertising market in comparison with neighbouring post-communist countries. Further, it analyses specifics of Slovak media and advertising development. The main part of the article deals in separate sections with the print media, radio and television broadcasting. Every section includes a short analysis of the media development and then relations between media and market and political development.
In the second part, there are sections with some conclusions, general trends and political influence on the advertising market, prospects of the future development of the media market in Slovakia, including “networking” of some local and regional media.
In conclusion, this article argues that the analyses of the economic conditions of the mass media development in Slovakia faced some difficulties, in particular: non-existence of detailed and trustworthy data about advertising revenues, about print media circulation, about audiences of smaller television and radio stations. Nevertheless, some general tendencies have occurred. On the one hand, there is a constant real growth of advertising revenues in Slovakia. On the other hand, the total sum of advertising revenues per capita is low in comparison with neighbouring postcommunist countries. Therefore, it can be expected faster concentration of media units than in bigger markets. The growth of advertising revenues is limited by the later start of economic reforms, low atractiveness of a market of five million inhabittants, restrictive legislation and unstable political environment which discourages potential foreign investors. The advertising market is also influenced by political factors. First of all, some new media owners use the media for political purposes. Secondly, Mečiar’s government had constantly tried to use econcomic factors for influencing the media reporting of critical media. Furthermore, governmental media policies can not be characterised by coherence and support of dual media system. In addition, the government directly or indirectly supported selected pro-governmental media. For all the above mentioned facts, but also because of cultural and historical reasons the Slovak advertisiment and media market develops slightly differently than in Hungary, Poland or the Czech Republic.
pp. 19-28
Kľúčové slová: počet licencií – dosah vysielania – rozsah vysielania – štrukturálne a kvalitatívne zmeny – postavenie a plnenie funkcií – úroveň vysielania – trendy a možnosti vývoja – dohľad nad vysielaním – prezentácia tvorby
Regional and Local TV Broadcasting in 1998
Keywords: number of licences – coverage – amount of broadcasting – structural and qualitative changes – roles and functions – standards of broadcasting – trends and future developments – supervision over the broadcasting – production presentation
In 1998, the functions of the local and regional broadcasting were strengthened and its quality improved. Unlike to the first stages of development, present growth of local and regional radio and television stations is stabilised. An annual growth of broadcasting licences circulates between 10 and 15 local or regional stations. To the end of 1998, 72 broadcasting licences were awarded. 7 of them for terrestrial and 63 for cable television. At this time, 70 TV studios were on the air. According to the last data, more than 2 million people are able to watch regional and local TV broadcasting. Nearly half of them can receive terrestrial signal of the local and regional TV stations. Cable TV can use 345 000 households, cable advertising broadcasting nearly 50 000 households.
In 1998, the local and regional stations broadcast 38 949 hours of classical moderated programmes and 282 907 hours of teletexts. In the most cases, the broadcasting consists of general and local news, current affairs, culture, talk shows and sports. Considering performances, programming and amount of airtime, TV NAŠA in Košice meets the basic criteria for local TV broadcasting. According to survey conducted in the spring of 1998, TV NAŠA is watched by 51% of the local population. TV NAŠA and Info-channel Kabel Plus Košice broadcast their own local programme daily. Several times weekly broadcast their own local programmes stations Kabel Plus Info Banská Bystrica, TV VEGA Prešov, TV Prievidza, TV SEN Senica, TV Nové Mesto Bratislava, TV Turiec, TV Žilina, Púchovská televízia, Humenská TV, TV Trnava, KORA INC Lučenec, Mestská televízia Komárno, TV Tatry, HTV Hlohovec, ATELIER Krupina and Petržalská televízia Bratislava. These stations offer their programmes in amount of 1-3 hours from two to five times weekly.
In 1998, the Association of municipal and local TV broadcasters brought forward a project how to solve the problems of local and regional TV broadcasting. In the project named ALTEV entered 10 TV stations. The project offers possibilities to strengthen funding of the local TV studios by programme exchange and joint advertising time.
Monitoring of local broadcasting showed that legal provisions were violated four times. The law No 468/1991 on radio and television broadcasting was breached by violating the advertising provisions, namely by ads not separated from other programme and by hidden forms of advertising.
Košice 1998 – the 4th international fair of the municipal and local TV broadcasters offered again an exposition of TV productions, working meetings, presentations and seminars, as well as discussions on the problems of local television broadcasting. Traditionally, TV NAŠA Košice and Humenská TV were awarded. Their potential for creativity addressed not only the jury but all fair participants as well.
pp. 29-38
Between the Compromise and the Hidden Pressure
General Overview of the Media Legislation in Bulgaria
After the political changes in Bulgaria in 1989-1990 it was necessary a new media legislation to be passed. That aim became even more urgent after the adoption of the Constitution in 1991 which regulates the freedom of expression and information, freedom of the press and the right to search, obtain and impart information. The liberal rules based upon the idea that the media should develop as a private undertaking replaced the totalitarian regime of the press. Currently the problems in the publishing activity are related mainly to the regulation of media concentrations and the dominant position. That issue became very important after the flow of foreign capitals in the largest and most influential dailies.
The regulation of the electronic media is a complicated and controversial one. The Law on the Radio and on the TV that has been in force since 1996 has been repealed partially by the Constitutional Court and amended by the National Assembly. Its scope has been narrowed and the control over private broadcasting remained out of it. That ineffectiveness of the legislation, the urgency of the transformation of the two national broadcasters – the BNR and the BNT – from state bureaucratic institutions into public corporations and the necessity to harmonise the Bulgarian broadcasting laws with the European standards led to the elaboration of the two draft laws – on the telecommunications and the electronic media. These bills were disposed to a debate on the governmental and non-governmental levels. On the basis of the discussions a general conclusion can be made that the media system in Bulgaria and its regulation are still quite unstable, politically biased and subject to constant compromises between different interests.
pp. 39-46
pp. 47-52