Edited by Institute of Philosophy,
Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Klemensova 19 813 64 Bratislava,
Slovak Republic
- Filozofia, 2003, No. 07
- Filozofia, 2003, No. 06
- Filozofia, 2003, No. 05
- Filozofia, 2003, No. 04
- Filozofia, 2003, No. 03
- Filozofia, 2003, No. 02
- Filozofia, 2003, No. 01
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 10
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 09
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 08
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 07
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 06
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 05
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 04
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 03
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 02
- Filozofia, 2002, No. 01
- Filozofia, 1996, No. 06
- Filozofia, 1996, No. 05
- Filozofia, 1996, No. 04
- Filozofia, 1996, No. 03
- Filozofia, 1996, No. 02
- Filozofia, 1996, No. 01
Journal PHILOSOPHY publishes articles in a wide range of areas including philosophy of mind, epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, and philosophical history of philosophy, social and political philosophy. No specific methodology or philosophical orientation is required in submissions.
Editor: Institute for Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Editor-in-chief: František Novosád
Managing editor: Ľubica Hábová
Secretary: Milota Spálová
D.t.p.: Karol Kollár, jr.
Editorial board: Andrej Kopčok, Ján Letz, Miroslav Marcelli, Jozef Sivák, Jaroslav Hroch (Brno), Lino Veljak (Záhreb), Pavel Kouba (Praha)
Distributed by ARES, spol. s r. o., Športová 5, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Distribition rights abroad are held by KUBON and SAGNER. P.O.B. 34 01 08, D-8000 München, Germany
Articles appearing in FILOZOFIA are indexed in:
Arts & Humanities Citation Index,
Research Alert,
Current Contents/Arts & Humanities,
Dietrich Index Philosophicus.
The journal is published monthly, with the exception of July and August, i.e. ten issues of the journal are published yearly. The subscription price for individuals is 35.- Sk an issue, 350.- Sk yearly exclusive postage.
Manuscripts prepared for anonymous refereeing will by anonymously refereed. Authors of accepted submissions will be asked to prepare a final version in Windows Word format or in a compatibile format. The verdict will be conveyed to the author in one month.
Authors will receive one complimentary copy and have the opportunity to purchase more at reasonable prices.
All submissions of articles and associated correspondence should be addressed to:
Klemensova 19
813 64 Bratislava
Slovac Republic
Telephone: 00427 529 64 886
Fax: 00427 529 21 215
E-mail: filofilo@klemens.savba.sk